I got a program where i can create my own games (since i SUCK at flash) and ive been working on a script....and i got nothing. But ill have it finished....in a couple of months. Hopefully. But school is gonna drain all that is Dunebug29 (me, no DUH) and...who knows, i might not even be able to make it. I have until August 27, 2007 before school starts AGAIN, and knowing that i failed ELA with a 50 in the beginning of the year last year, this year is going to be WORSE. Seriously, i dont even know what kind of game it will be, and i understand it can take over half a year to finish...so i will try my best. I have worked on scripts for videos and such, but this is more serious (serious???) then my shitty script videos.
*sniff* hold me...